Sitemap - 2022 - Rediscovering Jesus's Words
The Meaning of the Nonexistent "Of"
"The Kingdom of Heaven - A Catchphrase?
Emphasis Lost -- Acting on "Ourselves" - Part 2
Jesus's Emphasis Lost — "Myself," "Yourselves," "Themselves," — Part 1
Did Jesus Condemn his "Generation?"
Jesus Didn't Say, "Believe in me." - Part Two
Being "Tripped Up" is a Scandal
The Worm Doesn't Die. It Dyes. Fire Part 2
What does "Dunked" Mean? Part 2
"Baptism" means "Dunked" Part 1
A Misleading Idea of "Forever" Eternity: Part 3
"Glorify" or Simply "Recognize"
Jesus Didn't Say, "Believe in me." - Part One
"The Holy Spirit" - The Greek Words
"The Son of Man" Part 4: Jesus's Use
"The Son of Man" Part 3: The Old Testament
"The Son of Man" Part 2: The Greek
Did Jesus Claim to be "The Son of God?" - Part 1
"The," the Most Abused Word in the Bible
John 10:28 Twisting Jesus's Words to Support Christian Dogma
The Fun of Multiple Meanings Lost In Translation
Is the "Self" the Same as the "Soul" or "Life?"
The Difference Between "See" and "Watch" - Part 2
Can We "See" Jesus in Translation? - Part 1
The Funny Word that Became "Scandalous"
Cancelling Jesus's Words in Translation
Lacking the Ability to Understand Jesus
Is Jesus a Judge? -- Part 3: Withholding Judgement
Is Jesus a Judge? - Part 2: Very Funny, Jesus!
Does Jesus Claim or Deny Being a Judge? - Part 1: An Overview
Translate Jesus's Words for Yourself - Part 1
Words With a False Religious "Gloss"
"Faith," and "Believing," versus "Trust"
End of the World 4 - The Last Day"
"Eternal Life?" Eternity: Part 2
Hell - Part 4 - The Parable of Lazarus & the Rich Man
Hell - Part 3 - Hellfire and Darkness
Hell - Part 2 - Hades and Sheol