I translate so you and others can seek meaning. The most I do is offer possible hypotheses. I love Ecclesiastes, but my opinion of it is the same as my opinion of everything else in the Bible that is not Jesus's words. The person who wrote it was inspired by the Divine, not the Divine speaking. His understanding is as limited as our own.

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In regards to “reincarnation” you talk about scripture saying John the Baptist being Elijah come again . Would that mean John the Baptist is coming back again, and then in this tone would Jesus be coming back again as well as another person. In tone of Ecclesiastes saying “there’s nothing new under the sun,” and “Whatever exists now has already been, and whatever will be has already been; for God will seek to do again what has occurred in the past.” Also sorry to hear about your health brother keeping you in prayer

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I really appreciate your making correct understanding of the Bible available. If you wouldn't mind putting a correctly translated version of whatever sentence or verse(s) your discussing at the end of your article, that would wrap it up very nicely. I know you're working on a novel that provides a better sense of the gospels. In addition to that will you ever be making a better translation available?

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If you go to Christswords.com, I provide a literal translation of each verse. However, I am only trying for perfect accuracy in meaning in form in my latest update. In verses that I worked on earlier, my goal was showing other possible meanings. But I will definately add the complete more accurate verse in future articles that discuss specific verses.


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Thanks, Gary, for your contribution to knowing the truth.

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